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Sunday, May 1, 2011

What you have been doing.

Not much of what "I" have been doing.
Actually, I've done quite a bit.
Improved on my cooking/baking skills, enjoying every single family moment.

Everyday, I learnt more about myself, more than I ever had when I was busy with other commitments.
I love going out on my own, just being my own company. I never like small talk. It seems too much of a pretense but we all know that this world is full of pretentious people. And, we are all judgemental creatures, no matter how you deny it. All this, you can't blame anyone for it.
But, never become the person others see you as.









Monday, April 11, 2011

Break this Hiatus.

Hahah, title sounds wonky.
"break this break"

That's right. anyone still read this space? No? Even so, I figured I should start writing before I have no memories to laugh at in future. (*Reminder from J)
It's sad to have no memories.
Dug out not one, but five handmade 'diaries' I kept since the secondary school days.
Gross, but at least I had a past? (*Reminder #2 to continue writing)

Some visuals from the iph






In Nippon. Escaped the quake. I must have done something right to deserve this. Sigh.


i want one.




random trip to the museum with E and F.

No matter how I see it, the Art and Science museum still look weird to me.

Photobucket mfw 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Give Second Chances

if you are feeling guilty from overspending, here's a second chance to repent. Cheap thrills at

GSC is my personal selling space. We need some love, don't we?

ps: Updating this dusty space in abit!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


2011 will be epic.
2010 was a rough ride.
But I think I've gotten my closure.
Getting sick of appearing on T///. I'm sure you guys are sick of me as well.
From the 1st week of '11, Trooops will be releasing full collections of T///.
Full collections of T///= Quality fabric + workmanship for everything you see on the site.
(I'm really particular/anal about fabrics, so don't you worry.)

We'll stick around quite a bit, are you ready?
One of my new year resolution: Never compromise on your style.

It's not about dressing up, it's about dressing.
You know that, don't you?

Stay healthy, everyone!


Monday, December 13, 2010

Ties that bound the inner shrine
words that string these new found dimes
faith that's drawn across our lives
rise to see how our destiny flies

friends that mould each others heart
with love and passion each thee impart

held against the greatest treasure
they pale in comparison with you to measure.

-I found this poem among other old treasures.This was written by an ex team-mate, D.
thought i'll share it with you.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

It's not wrong to be sane(insane)

When I was bored, I wished I had tons of things to do/work on.
Now that I'm so busy and hardly have time for the family or myself, I'm actually really grateful.
I'm not complaining because I'm finally able to fall asleep instantly since I get so drained every single day.
At least I'm sane again. (you can call it insane instead)

I think I'll conclude that I'm just a workaholic.



Monday, November 29, 2010

xxmas is coming?

i dont want any gifts, just a simple request.
Please let my loved ones stay safe and healthy. May they have peace in their hearts.
Oh, and a couple of things which caught my eye.

(1) i think its only right that the cloud should be frowning? ok i want one that frowns.
(2) Amazing tyre belt. Do you think i can diy it?
(3) Cut out bra. I don't think i'll ever get sick of them. There's one coming up on T/// anyway.
(4) Ain't this a dream? melting candles to form a huge candle in the jar. Time to go Ikea.

I'll leave you with another of my outfit.

stay safe and healthy, everyone.

ps: stay tuned to a small launch tonight on with 3 new additions to T///!
